Lately there has been quite a bit of buzz going around through the media about the benefits of probiotics. What are they? Probiotics are live organisms that are thought to be beneficial to a host organism. In the last few years, there has been a greater awareness about the importance of a healthy digestive tract … Continue reading
So what is the difference between getting your probiotics from commercial brand yogurt and Raw homemade yogurt or taking a Therapeutic grade probiotic supplement? Well, in short- A LOT! Commercial yogurts can easily have more carbohydrates than a candy bar! These carbs are in the form of a highly allergenic sugar called lactose, which is … Continue reading
We all know that eating right is important for your overall health, and the regulation of your digestive system. A proper diet and maintenance of intestinal balance is crucial to your sense of well-being and vitality. Did you know that color is a helpful tool in feeding your body the right way? Here is some … Continue reading