The colon is one of the most important organs. Your colon is responsible for elimination of waste that cannot be used further by your body. Average people consume at least three meals a day at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, problems happen when there is not the same number of healthy eliminations each day, so … Continue reading
Over the past month Houston Colon Care Center has had some exciting changes. Houston Colonic Center | Body Wellness Spa. We added new services, tweaked a few existing services and most importantly added 3 additional staff members. Below is a summary of the latest happenings at Houston Colon Care Center and our current promotional. Welcome … Continue reading
With an ANDI rating of 1000, kale is considered a superfood. ANDI rating reflects the amount of nutrients found in food. Along with being high in nutritional value, Kale is loaded with vitamins, minerals and lots of fiber that is good for the intestinal tract. Pair kale with avocado for a delicious healthy salad with … Continue reading
H2O makes up a whopping 70 percent of the earth and 60 percent of you. And it has some surprising health-enhancing powers. Look at these top 4 health-enhancing powers: Waist Slimmer Endurance Enhancer Headache Stopper Kidney Saver Time to start swallowing: People who sip two cups (16 ounces) of water before a meal shovel in … Continue reading
Two new senior professionals joined our staff. Take a moment to review their bios and don’t hesitate to give them a call. Nicole Yunker is our new Wellness Coordinator, Nicole started her career in the healing arts as a Massage Therapist at a Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic in 2000. She attended The Aveda Institute and completed … Continue reading
Dehydration occurs when a person doesn’t take in enough fluid or loses too much fluid. Without enough water, the human body cannot function properly. Learning how to stay hydrated and recognizing and treating dehydration before it becomes severe, are important steps for good health. Causes of Dehydration The average adult loses more than 10 cups … Continue reading